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By: Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, MD
- Anesthetist-in-Chief, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
The nurse gives the patient with a peptic ulcer a full explanation of the treatment regimen bacteria yogurt purchase zithromax 250 mg overnight delivery, which may include drugs and a special diet antibiotics for acne duration buy zithromax 100 mg visa. The patient is instructed to antibiotic resistance crisis proven 250 mg zithromax take the drug exactly as prescribed by the primary health care provider (eg virus hunter island order 250 mg zithromax with mastercard, 30 minutes before meals or between meals) to obtain the desired results. The nurse discusses the importance of diet in the treatment of peptic ulcer and gives a full explanation of the special diet (when ordered). Anthony before dismissal from the hospital, determine what information must be included to prevent complications of therapy. A nurse assistant asks you what is the purpose of preoperative drugs and why patients cannot get out of bed after receiving a preoperative drug. You note in the admission interview that he states that he has a history of enlarged prostate. Likens, age 54 years, who will be taking glycopyrrolate (Robinul) for a peptic ulcer. Anticholinergic drugs are contraindicated in patients q Medication Dosage Problems 1. Discuss the uses, general drug actions, adverse reactions, contraindications, precautions, and interactions of the barbiturates and miscellaneous sedatives and hypnotics. Discuss important preadministration and ongoing assessment activities the nurse should perform on the patient taking a sedative or hypnotic. List some nursing diagnoses particular to a patient taking a sedative or hypnotic. Discuss ways to promote an optimal response to therapy, how to manage common adverse reactions, and important points to keep in mind when educating patients about the use of a sedative or hypnotic. Sedatives are usually given during daytime hours, and although they may make the patient drowsy, they usually do not produce sleep. A hypnotic is a drug that induces sleep, that is, it allows the patient to fall asleep and stay asleep. Sedatives and hypnotics may be divided into two classes: barbiturates and miscellaneous sedatives and hypnotics. The barbiturates are divided into several groups, depending on their duration of action: · Ultrashort-acting (eg, thiamylal [Surital], thiopental [Pentothal]). The average duration of action of the intermediate-acting barbiturates is 6 to 8 hours. The Summary Drug Table: Sedatives and Hypnotics: Barbiturates gives examples of the short-, intermediate-, and long-acting barbiturate sedatives and hypnotics. The miscellaneous sedatives and hypnotics consist of a group of nonrelated drugs and a second group called the benzodiazepines. Examples of the nonrelated group of drugs include ethchlorvynol (Placidyl), zaleplon (Sonata), and zolpidem (Ambien). Examples of the benzodiazepines include estazolam (ProSom), flurazepam (Dalmane), and quazepam (Doral). The miscellaneous sedatives and hypnotics are listed in the Summary Drug Table: Miscellaneous Sedatives and Hypnotics. When these drugs are used as hypnotics, their respiratory depressant effect is usually similar to that occurring during sleep. The sedative or hypnotic effects of the barbiturates diminishes after approximately 2 weeks. Persons taking these drugs for periods longer than 2 weeks may have a tendency to increase the dose to produce the desired effects (eg, sleep, sedation). Discontinuing use of a barbiturate after prolonged use may result in severe, and sometimes fatal, withdrawal symptoms. Dreams appear to be a necessary part of sleep, and when an individual is deprived of dreaming for a prolonged period, a psychosis can develop. Abrupt discontinuation of the barbiturates can cause increased dreaming, nightmares, or insomnia. Effect of the Barbiturates on Sleep Sleep occurs in four stages that include varying degrees of wakefulness followed by deeper sleep throughout the sleep cycle.
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Pg 6 - Rev 06/16 Durable Medical Equipment - as used in this Rider infection 4 the day after 100 mg zithromax fast delivery, refers to antibiotics keflex discount zithromax 100 mg without a prescription equipment of a type that is designed primarily for use infection of the colon buy zithromax 500mg line, and used primarily infection taste in mouth order 500mg zithromax with visa, by people who are sick (for example, a wheelchair or a hospital bed). It does not include items commonly used by people who are not sick, even if the items can be used in the treatment of a Sickness or can be used for rehabilitation or improvement of health (for example, a stationary bicycle or a spa). Experimental or Investigative as used in this Rider, means treatment, a device or prescription medication which is recommended by a Physician, but is not considered by the medical community as a whole to be safe and effective for the condition for which the treatment, device, or prescription medication is being used, including any treatment, procedure, facility equipment, drugs, drug usage, devices, or supplies not recognized as accepted medical practice, and any of those items requiring federal or other government agency approval not received at the time the services are rendered. A Hospital does not include: (1) a nursing, convalescent or geriatric unit of a hospital when a patient is confined mainly to receive nursing care; (2) a facility that is, other than incidentally, a rest home, nursing home, convalescent home or home for the aged; nor does it include any ward, room, wing, or other section of the hospital that is used for such purposes; or (3) any military or veterans hospital or soldiers home or any hospital contracted for or operated by any national government or government agency for the treatment of members or ex-members of the armed forces, except if there is a legal obligation to pay. Medically Necessary as used in this Rider, means a Covered Sickness Medical Service that: (1) is essential for diagnosis, treatment or care of the Sickness for which it is prescribed or performed; (2) meets generally accepted standards of medical practice; and (3) is ordered by a Physician and performed under his or her care, supervision or order. Mental Illness as used in this Rider, means any disturbance of emotional equilibrium, as manifested in maladaptive behavior and impaired functioning, caused by genetic, physical, chemical, biologic, psychological, or social and cultural factors. Usual and Customary Charge(s) as used in this Rider, means a charge that: (1) is made for a Covered Sickness Medical Service; (2) does not exceed the usual level of charges for similar treatment, services or supplies in the locality where the expense is incurred; or (3) does not include charges that would not have been made if no insurance existed. Type of Paralysis Quadriplegia Triplegia Paraplegia Hemiplegia Percentage of Maximum Amount 100% 75% 75% 50% "Quadriplegia" means the complete and irreversible paralysis of both upper and lower limbs. Emergency Evacuation: $500,000 the Company will pay, subject to the limitations set out herein, for Covered Emergency Evacuation Expenses reasonably incurred if the Insured suffers an Injury or Emergency Sickness that warrants his or her Emergency Evacuation while he or she is outside a 100 mile radius from his or her current place of primary residence, but not exceeding the Maximum Amount per Insured for all Emergency Evacuations due to all Injuries from the same accident or all Emergency Sicknesses from the same or related causes. Definitions Covered Emergency Evacuation Expense(s) - as used in this Rider, means an expense that: (1) is charged for a Medically Necessary Emergency Evacuation Service; (2) does not exceed the usual level of charges for Pg 9 - Rev 06/16 similar Transportation, treatment, services or supplies in the locality where the expense is incurred; and (3) does not include charges that would not have been made if no insurance existed. An Emergency Evacuation also includes medical treatment, medical services and medical supplies necessarily received in connection with such Transportation. Medically Necessary Emergency Evacuation Service - as used in this Rider means any Transportation, medical treatment, medical service or medical supply that: (1) is an essential part of an Emergency Evacuation due to the Injury or Emergency Sickness for which it is prescribed or performed; (2) meets generally accepted standards of medical practice; and (3) either is ordered by a Physician and performed under his or her care or supervision or order, or is required by the standard regulations of the conveyance transporting the Insured. Transportation - as used in this Rider means moving the Insured during an Emergency Evacuation by a land, water or air conveyance. Conveyances include, but are not limited to, air ambulances, land ambulances and private motor vehicles. Repatriation of Remains: $500,000 If an Insured suffers loss of life due to Injury or Emergency Sickness while outside a 100 mile radius from his or her current place of primary residence], the Company will pay, subject to the limitations set out herein, for covered expenses reasonably incurred to return his or her body to his or her current place of primary residence, but not exceeding the Maximum Amount per Insured. This Planner provides a tool for helping to determine some of the equipment, supervisory, transportation and other elements that might be needed for an upcoming church or school field trip or outing. As a mind jogger it can help activity leaders establish safety elements not included on this list. School a dministrators and church boards can also use the Planner for approval (or disapproval) of the proposed field trip or outing. Check weather advisories and always plan for any potential weather extremes for the area visited. The maintenance of safe premises, operations, activities and equipment are the legal responsibility of the insured. Remember to have a fire extinguisher near any open flame such as a cook stove or campfire. We recommended posting clearly visible signs indicating the location of the first aid kit and the fire extinguisher in the campsite to save time in case of emergency. Vehicle and Pathfinder Transportation Guidelines Club Transportation Guidelines: All Drivers must: · Be mature · At least 25 years old · Have no more than 2 traffic citations on their record, and · No at-fault accidents on their record. Club Transportation Guidelines All drivers whether of church-owned or non church-owned vehicles, shall be mature, at least 25 years old, and shall have an acceptable driving record with not more than two traffic citations and no at-fault accidents while driving any vehicle. When a driver does not meet the above driving standard, he/she shall not be assigned to or be retained for a driving position. This verification should be reviewed annually for all drivers after their initial check. All vehicles must have current registration and inspection in the appropriate state. Each vehicle must transport only the number of individuals corresponding to the official seating capacity of the vehicle. The only exception to this guideline is in the use of tractors and trailers for "hayride" type very low speed transportation and then all applicable guidelines must be followed. The insurance limits for any volunteer driver transporting children for church events much not be less than $50,000 property damage liability and $250,000/$500,000 bodily injury. Tripod of education: Mental- Crafts and Honors; Physical- Campouts, work bee, health focus; Spiritual- Outreach and personal spiritual development.
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