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By: Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, MD
- Anesthetist-in-Chief, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
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Note: Self is used in the formation of innumerable compounds, usually of obvious signification, in most of which it denotes either the agent or the object of the action expressed by the word with which it is joined, or the person in behalf of whom it is performed, or the person or thing to, for, or towards whom or which a quality, attribute, or feeling expressed by the following word belongs, is directed, or is exerted, or from which it proceeds; or it denotes the subject of, or object affected by, such action, quality, attribute, feeling, or the like; as, self-abandoning, self-abnegation, selfabhorring, self-absorbed, self-accusing, self-adjusting, selfbalanced, self-boasting, self-canceled, self-combating, selfcommendation, self-condemned, self-conflict, self-conquest, selfconstituted, self-consumed, self-contempt, self-controlled, selfdeceiving, self-denying, self-destroyed, self-disclosure, selfdisplay, self-dominion, self-doomed, self-elected, self-evolved, websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). Humiliation or abasement proceeding from consciousness of inferiority, guilt, or shame. Self-adjusting bearing (Shafting), a bearing which is supported in such a manner that it may tip to accomodate flexure or displacement of the shaft. One self-approving hour whole years outweighs Of stupid starers and of loud huzzas. Defn: Being of a single color; - applied to flowers, animals, and textile fabrics. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 12056 Defn: the quality or state of being self-consistent. In self-defense (Law), in protection of self, - it being permitted in law to a party on whom a grave wrong is attempted to resist the wrong, even at the peril of the life of the assailiant. Defn: Evident without proof or reasoning; producing certainty or conviction upon a bare presentation to the mind; as, a self-evident proposition or truth. The humiliated self-examinant feels that there is evil in our nature as well as good. Defn: Existing of or by himself,independent of any other being or cause; - as, God is the only self-existent being. Hence, government of a community, state, or nation by the joint action of the mass of people constituting such a civil body; also, the state of being so governed; democratic government; democracy. It is to self-government, the great principle of popular representation and administration, - the system that lets in all to participate in the councels that are to assign the good or evil to all, - that we may owe what we are and what we hope to be. Such steels are alloys of iron and carbon with manganese, tungsten and manganese, chromium, molybdenum and manganese, etc. Defn: Existence as a separate self, or independent person; conscious personality; individuality. They judge of things according to their own private appetites and selfish passions. Selfishness,- a vice utterly at variance with the happiness of him websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). It denotes that longing for good or for well-being which actuates the breasts of all, entering into and characterizing every special desire. In this sense it has no moral quality, being, from the nature of the case, neither good nor evil. In this sense it is morally good or bad according as these desires are conformed to duty or opposed to it. Selfishness is always voluntary and always wrong, being that regard to our own interests, gratification, etc. Self-made man, a man who has risen from poverty or obscurity by means of his own talentss or energies. Defn: Motion given by inherent power, without external impulse; spontaneus or voluntary motion. Defn: That partiality to himself by which a man overrates his own worth when compared with others. Defn: Registering itself; - said of any instrument so contrived as to record its own indications of phenomena, whether continuously or at stated times, as at the maxima and minima of variations; as, a self-registering anemometer or barometer. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 12068 Defn: Made up of parts, as molecules or atoms, which mutually repel each other; as, gases are self-repelling. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 12070 Defn: One who seeks only his own interest, advantage, or pleasure. Defn: A mechanism (usually one operated by electricity, compressed air, a spring, or an explosive gas), attached to an internalcombustion engine, as on an automobile, and used as a means of starting the engine without cranking it by hand. Neglect of friends can never be proved rational till we prove the person using it omnipotent and self-sufficient, and such as can never need any mortal assistance. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 12072 Defn: Of or pertaining to Seljuk, a Tartar chief who embraced Mohammedanism, and began the subjection of Western Asia to that faith and rule; of or pertaining to the dynasty founded by him, or the empire maintained by his descendants from the 10th to the 13th century.
To stay behind while others withdraw; to antifungal washing powder uk cheap mycelex-g 100mg mastercard be left after others have been removed or destroyed; to fungus nail laser buy mycelex-g 100 mg with visa be left after a number or quantity has been subtracted or cut off; to antifungal ear drops dogs cheap mycelex-g 100 mg be left as not included or comprised antifungal susceptibility testing order 100mg mycelex-g free shipping. To continue unchanged in place, form, or condition, or undiminished in quantity; to abide; to stay; to endure; to last. Anything that remains, or is left, after the separation and removal of a part; residue; remnant. If these decoctions be repeated till the water comes off clear, the remainder yields no salt. That little hope that is remanent hath its degree according to the infancy or growth of the habit. Remanent magnetism (Physics), magnetism which remains in a body that has little coercive force after the magnetizing force is withdrawn, as soft iron; - called also residual magnetism. To mark in a notable manner; to distinquish clearly; to make noticeable or conspicuous; to piont out. To take notice of, or to observe, mentally; as, to remark the manner of a speaker. To express in words or writing, as observed or noticed; to state; to say; - often with a substantive clause; as, he remarked that it was time to go. When we turn from these mental states to the expression of them in language, we find the same distinction. An observation is properly the result of somewhat prolonged thought; a remark is usually suggested by some passing occurence; a notice is in most cases something cursory and short. This distinction is not always maintained as to remark and observe, which are often used interchangeably. The cause, though worth the search, may yet elude Conjecture and remark, however shrewd. The expression, in speech or writing, of something remarked or noticed; the mention of that which is worthy of attention or notice; hence, also, a casual observation, comment, or statement; as, a pertinent remark. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 11232 Defn: To give meaning to; to explain the meaning of; to interpret. It is an evil not compensated by any beneficial result; it is not remedial, not conservative. Not admitting of a remedy; incapable of being restored or corrected; incurable; irreparable; as, a remediless mistake or loss. That which relieves or cures a disease; any medicine or application which puts an end to disease and restores health; - with for; as, a remedy for the gout. That which corrects or counteracts an evil of any kind; a corrective; a counteractive; reparation; cure; - followed by for or against, formerly by to. What may else be remedy or cure To evils which our own misdeeds have wrought, He will instruct us. To have (a notion or idea) come into the mind again, as previously perceived, known, or felt; to have a renewed apprehension of; to bring to mind again; to think of again; to recollect; as, I remember the fact; he remembers the events of his childhood; I cannot remember dates. To be capable of recalling when required; to keep in mind; to be websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). To recall to the mind of another, as in the friendly messages, remember me to him, he wishes to be remembered to you, etc. Defn: To execise or have the power of memory; as, some remember better than others. That which serves to keep in or bring to mind; a memorial; a token; a memento; a souvenir; a memorandum or note of something to be remembered. Power of remembering; reach of personal knowledge; period over websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). One who, or that which, serves to bring to, or keep in, mind; a memento; a memorial; a reminder. A term applied in England to several officers, having various functions, their duty originally being to bring certain matters to the attention of the proper persons at the proper time.
Italic letters are used to fungus gnats humans cheap mycelex-g 100 mg on-line distinguish words for emphasis antifungal over the counter mycelex-g 100mg overnight delivery, importance antifungal ear drops uk generic mycelex-g 100 mg online, antithesis antifungal youtube mycelex-g 100mg lowest price, etc. The natives eat its fruit and buds, drink its sap, and make thread and cord from its fiber. To have an uneasy sensation in the skin, which inclines the person to scratch the part affected. A sensation in the skin occasioned (or resembling that occasioned) by the itch eruption; - called also scabies, psora, etc. A suffix denoting one of a party, a sympathizer with or adherent of, and the like, and frequently used in ridicule; as, a Millerite; a Benthamite. A suffix used in naming minerals; as, chlorite, from its characteristic green color; barite, from its heaviness; graphite, from its use in writing. Defn: To state in items, or by particulars; as, to itemize the cost of a railroad. A discharge of official duty involving frequent change of residence; the custom or practice of discharging official duty in this way; also, a body of persons who thus discharge official duty. Defn: One who travels from place to place, particularly a preacher; websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). Defn: A suffix used in medical terms to denote an inflammatory disease of; as, arthritis; bronchitis, phrenitis. Defn: the neuter reciprocal pronoun of It; as, the thing is good in itself; it stands by itself. The body is long and round, consisting of numerous smooth, equal segments, each of which bears two pairs of short legs. An ideal personification of the typical Russian or of the Russian people; - used as "John Bull" is used for the typical Englishman. Defn: A composition resembling ivory in appearance and used as a substitute for it. The hard, white, opaque, fine-grained substance constituting the tusks of the elephant. It is a variety of dentine, characterized by the minuteness and close arrangement of the tubes, as also by their double flexure. Note: Ivory is the name commercially given not only to the substance constituting the tusks of the elephant, but also to that of the tusks of the hippopotamus and walrus, the hornlike tusk of the narwhal, websters 1913 gutenberg(2009). When young the seed contains a fluid, which gradually hardness into a whitish, closegrained, albuminous substance, resembling the finest ivory in texture and color, whence it is called vegetable ivory. Its leaves are evergreen, dark, smooth, shining, and mostly five-pointed; the flowers yellowish and small; the berries black or yellow. With regard to most words, however, which have this suffix there is a diversity of usage, some authorities spelling -ise, others (as in this book) -ize. The Izedis or Yezdis, the so-called Devil worshipers, still remain a numerous though oppressed people in Mesopotamia and adjacent countries. It is a later variant form of the Roman letter I, used to express a consonantal sound, that is, originally, the sound of English y in yet. The forms J and I have, until a recent time, been classed together, and they have been used interchangeably. Note: In medical prescriptions j is still used in place of i at the end of a number, as a Roman numeral; as, vj, xij. J is etymologically most closely related to i, y, g; as in jot, iota; jest, gesture; join, jugular, yoke. Note: the American jabiru (Mycteria Americana) is white, with the head and neck black and nearly bare of feathers. The East Indian and Australian (Xenorhynchus Australis) has the neck, head, and back covered with glossy, dark green feathers, changing on the head to purple. The African jabiru (Mycteria, or Ephippiorhynchus, Senegalensis) has the neck, head, wing coverts, and tail, black, and is called also saddle-billed stork.
Black frost antifungal nystatin order mycelex-g 100 mg mastercard, cold so intense as to antifungal ayurvedic generic mycelex-g 100 mg with mastercard freeze vegetation and cause it to antifungal on lips cheap 100 mg mycelex-g free shipping turn black anti fungal anti yeast diet buy discount mycelex-g 100 mg online, without the formation of hoarfrost. The brig and the ice round her are covered by a strange black obscurity: it is the frost smoke of arctic winters. To cover with hoarfrost; to produce a surface resembling frost upon, as upon cake, metals, or glass. To roughen or sharpen, as the nail heads or calks of horseshoes, so as to fit them for frosty weather. Defn: the freezing, or effect of a freezing, of some part of the body, as the ears or nose. Thu Feb 11 12:10:05 2016 5493 Defn: To expose to the effect of frost, or a frosty air; to blight or nip with frost. Defn: A white arc or circle in the sky attending frosty weather and formed by reflection of sunlight from ice crystals floating in the air; the parhelic circle whose center is at the zenith. Defn: Covered with hoarfrost or anything resembling hoarfrost; ornamented with frosting; also, frost-bitten; as, a frosted cake; frosted glass. A composition of sugar and beaten egg, used to cover or ornament cake, pudding, etc. It is used only in Florida and along the coasts of the Pacific and the Gulf Mexico. Note: It has large yellow flowers which are often sterile, and later it has abundant but inconspicuous flowers which bear seed. It is so called because, late in autumn, crystals of ice shoot from the cracked bark at the root; - called also frostwort. Defn: the figurework, often fantastic and delicate, which moisture sometimes forms in freezing, as upon a window pane or a flagstone. Attended with, or producing, frost; having power to congeal water; cold; freezing; as, a frosty night. The bubbles caused in fluids or liquors by fermentation or agitation; spume; foam; esp. Defn: To throw up or out spume, foam, or bubbles; to foam; as beer froths; a horse froths. Of the nature of froth; light; empty; unsubstantial; as, a frothy speaker or harangue. To contract the brow in displeasure, severity, or sternness; to scowl; to put on a stern, grim, or surly look. To manifest displeasure or disapprobation; to look with disfavor or threateningly; to lower; as, polite society frowns upon rudeness. Defn: To repress or repel by expressing displeasure or disapproval; to rebuke with a look; as, frown the impudent fellow into silence. Any expression of displeasure; as, the frowns of Providence; the frowns of Fortune. Subject to frost, or to long and severe cold; chilly; as, the frozen north; the frozen zones. The act of forming or producing fruit; the act of fructifying, or rendering productive of fruit; fecundation. Economical in the use or appropriation of resources; not wasteful or lavish; wise in the expenditure or application of force, materials, time, etc. The quality of being frugal; prudent economy; that careful management of anything valuable which expends nothing unnecessarily, and applies what is used to a profitable purpose; thrift; - opposed to extravagance. Whatever is produced for the nourishment or enjoyment of man or animals by the processes of vegetable growth, as corn, grass, cotton, flax, etc. Fleshy fruits include berries, gourds, and melons, orangelike fruita and pomes; drupaceous fruits are stony within and fleshy without, as peaches, plums, and chercies;and dry fruits are further divided into achenes, follicles, legumes, capsules, nuts, and several other kinds. The produce of animals; offspring; young; as, the fruit of the womb, of the loins, of the body. That which is produced; the effect or consequence of any action; advantageous or desirable product or result; disadvantageous or evil consequence or effect; as, the fruits of labor, of self-denial, of intemperance. Note: Fruit is frequently used adjectively, signifying of, for, or pertaining to a fruit or fruits; as, fruit bud; fruit frame; fruit jar; fruit knife; fruit loft; fruit show; fruit stall; fruit tree; etc. The name is also, though rarely, applied to invert sugar, or to the natural mixture or dextrose and levulose resembling it, and found in fruits and honey.
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