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By: Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, MD

  • Anesthetist-in-Chief, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Scientists engaged in clinical research should establish communications with relevant patient and advocacy groups to antimicrobial mechanism of action buy 480mg sumetoprin with mastercard promote clear under standing of the clinical research process and the cur rent state of progress in developing stem cell-based treatments for specific medical conditions antibiotics for dogs ears uk sumetoprin 480 mg fast delivery. Accordingly uti suppressive antibiotics sumetoprin 960mg line, all involved in clinical research infection quiz purchase 960 mg sumetoprin with mastercard, including not only investigator s and sponsor ing institutions but also patients, families and advocacy groups, should exercise caution when communicating with the public. Additionally, researcher s should exercise great care when making forward-looking statements regarding the potential outcome of any study. Given the novelty of stem cell-based inter ventions and the fact that many countr ies do not have wellestablished regulator y pathways gover ning the introduction of novel medical products into clinical use, provider s should exercise restr aint in their communications regarding the clinical utility of such treatments. The use of language that could be constr ued as promotional, promissor y, or suggestive of clinical effectiveness in reference to stem cellbased inter ventions for which efficacy has not been established is to be avoided. In the event that new stem cell-based inter ventions are author ized for use for a specified indication, care must be taken to avoid communications that might indicate or suggest to patients that such inter vention is efficacious for other indications. Regulator y and law enforcement author ities are encour aged to investigate and, when appropr iate, restr ict unsuppor ted mar keting claims made by commercial actor s, to the extent that these violate relevant consumer protection, tr uth in adver tising, secur ities, and commerce laws within a given jur isdiction. Standards help enable such collabor ations, and suppor t efficient clinical tr anslation in many ways. For instance, they allow scientists to compare outcomes of tr ials and enable clinics to reproduce treatments repor ted in published studies. Regulator y standards also reduce the costs of uncer tainty for pr ivate actor s, facilitate independent review, and engender tr ust among patients. The provision of accur ate infor mation on r isks, limitations, possible benefit, and available alter natives to patients is essential in the deliver y of healthcare. The goal of clinical communications is to enable autonomous, well-infor med decision-making by patients. There are numerous areas where standards development would greatly advance the science of stem cells and its clinical application. Par ticular oppor tunities include standards for: (a) consent and procurement, (b) manufactur ing regulations, (c) cell potency assays, (d) reference mater ials for calibr ating instr uments, (e) minimally acceptable changes dur ing cell culture, (f) method of deliver y and selection of recipients for novel stem cell-based inter ventions, (g) repor ting of animal exper iments, (h) design of tr ials, (i) repor ting of tr ials, (j) pr inciples for defining infor mation in datasets as "sensitive" such that there is a justified withholding or delay of study repor ting. Per iodic revision enhances the likelihood that the inter national scientific research community will be bound together by a common set of pr inciples gover ning the perfor mance of stem cell research. The consent process should explore and document whether donors have objections to the specific forms of research and/or clinical application outlined in the research protocol. Whether the donor may be approached in the future to seek additional consent for new uses or to request additional materials (such as blood or other clinical samples) or information. Disclosure of what donor medical or other information and what donor identifiers will be retained, specific steps taken to protect donor privacy and the confidentiality of retained information, and whether the identity of the donor will be readily ascer tainable to those who derive or work with the resulting stem cell lines, or any other entity or person, including specifically any oversight bodies and government agencies. Disclosure of the possibility that any resulting cells or cell lines may have commercial potential, and whether the donor will or will not receive financial benefits from any future commercial development. Disclosure of any present or potential future financial benefits to the investigator and the institution related to or arising from proposed research. That the research is not intended to provide direct medical benefit to anyone including the donor, except in the sense that research advances may benefit the community. That neither consenting nor refusing to donate biomaterials for research will affect the quality of care provided to potential donors. That there are alternatives to donating human biomaterials for research, and an explanation of what these alternatives are. For donation or creation of embr yos, that the embr yos will not be used to attempt to produce a pregnancy and will not be allowed to develop in culture in vitro for longer than 14 days from fer tilization. That the biomaterials will be used in the derivation of totipotent or pluripotent cells for research. That the biomaterials will be destroyed during the process of deriving totipotent or pluripotent cells for research. That derived cells and/or cell lines might be deposited and stored in a repositor y many years and used internationally for future studies, many of which may not be anticipated at this time. That cells and/or cell lines might be used in research involving genetic manipulation of the cells, the generation of human-animal chimeras (resulting from the transfer of human stem cells or their derivatives into animal models), or the introduction of stem cells or their derivatives into human or animal embr yos. That the donation is made without any restriction or direction regarding who may be the recipient of transplants of the cells derived, except in the case of autologous transplantation or directed altruistic donation.

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We have been able to herbal antibiotics for acne purchase sumetoprin 480mg without a prescription demonstrate that dust that is activated by processes that are analogous to bacterial growth cheap sumetoprin 960 mg line those that are understood to bacteria 70 ethanol order 960 mg sumetoprin with amex be present at the lunar surface antimicrobial underwear mens 960mg sumetoprin with visa. We expect to assess the impact of these activation techniques on cellular systems in early 2009. Evidence from Mechanistic Understandings As we know from lunar geologists (Category I22 evidence) that iron is present in lunar dust, especially in the fraction of its smallest particles (nano-Fe), we can postulate that a reaction involving iron could be important for activated lunar dust when it comes in contact with the mucous lining of the respiratory system. A good model of the issues and problems that are associated with testing surface-activated dust can be found in the studies of freshly fractured silica, which is highly toxic to the respiratory system via oxidative damage, and perhaps also in the testing of volcanic ash. The problem of the enhancement of toxicity in quartz by freshly fractured surfaces has been extensively investigated in animal and cellular systems (Castranova, 2004; Porter et al. Aged crystalline silica still produces radicals, but at a much lower level, perhaps by the Fenton reaction that occurs between iron and H2O2 that is generated by macrophage phagocytosis of the particles (Castranova, 2004). Passivation of Reactive Surfaces as Dust Surfaces Age Since surface activation, which is produced primarily by grinding, is known to increase the toxicity of various mineral dusts, it is critical to ask how quickly surface activation disappears once the dust encounters an oxygen- and water-vapor-rich environment. The half-life of the fast decay was approximately 30 hours, whereas even after 4 weeks approximately 20% of the original activity that was induced by grinding was present on the surface of the quartz. Although quartz is not lunar dust and grinding is merely a surrogate for activation of dust at the lunar surface, the longevity of the surface reactivity requires careful attention to better understand how surface-activated lunar dust becomes passivated in a habitable environment. First and foremost, one must keep in mind that the properties of the lunar dust may vary considerably depending on location; hence, lunar dusts may show a range of toxicity. The post-flight debriefing reports of the Apollo astronauts serve as a base of evidence (Portree and Trevino, 1997). For instance, astronaut Harrison Schmitt complained of "hay fever" effects caused by the dust (Portree and Trevino, 1997), and the abrasive nature of the material was found to cause problems with various joints and seals of the spacecraft and spacesuits (Wagner, 2006). In these reports, the Apollo crews provided several accounts of problems with lunar dust exposure as follows: During Apollo 11, crew members reported: "Particles covered everything and a stain remained even after our best attempts to brush it off"; a "[d]istinct pungent odor like gunpowder [was] noted when helmet [was] removed"; and "[t]exture like graphite" (Portree and Trevino, 1997). Junk immediately got into my eyes"; and "[t]he whole thing was just a cloud of fine dust floating around in there. By contrast, the Apollo 14 crew members stated: "Dust was not a problem for us in the cabin"; and "[t]he dust control procedures were effective" (Portree and Trevino, 1997). I felt like my right eye was scratched slightly once" (Portree and Trevino, 1997). Carpentier recalls an increase in eosinophil and basophil blood cell counts after the crew members were exposed to lunar dust, which may have indicated an allergic response. Although no substantive evidence exists that astronaut performance was impaired by lunar dust (Wagner, 2006), one can imagine that if a crew member were "almost blinded" and had to "remain in the suit loop as much as possible because of the dust and debris floating around," the dust did have some impact on performance. Dust from the lunar soil that was carried into the spacecraft during the Apollo missions proved to be a significant, intermittent problem. With the return to the moon and planned long-duration stays on the lunar surface, the dust toxicity and contamination problems are potentially much more serious than those that were experienced during the Apollo missions. Physical evidence also suggests that lunar dust could be a health hazard at a lunar outpost. Gravity at one-sixth that of the gravitational force of the Earth increases the time in which dust remains airborne, thereby increasing the probability that these dust particles will be inhaled. Smaller grains, which are less than 1 µm in diameter, are attached to this particle, and are also seen as loose grains in the upper portion of the image. Risk in Context of Exploration Mission Operational Scenarios Multiple, probable scenarios exist in which crew members could be exposed to lunar dust during both lunar sortie and lunar outpost missions. For crew members, changing of Environmental Control and Life Support System filters is yet another potential route of direct exposure to lunar dusts. These episodic periods of increased lunar dust exposure must be taken into account when long-term exposure limits are calculated. As missions become longer, the greater dose and/or duration of lunar dust exposure will increase the potential human health risk. When a crew returns to microgravity, if lunar dust is introduced into the crew return vehicle, there will be an increased opportunity for ocular exposure if particles of dust are floating throughout the cabin. Thus, the rover, which must be kept in an interior space to be entered without a spacesuit, may also bring dust into the habitat. Conclusion Our evidence base shows that prolonged exposure to respirable lunar dust could be detrimental to human health. The surface of the lunar dust particles is known to be chemically activated by processes ongoing at the surface of the moon.

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We report correlations for all three samples (see Table1) oral antibiotics for acne pregnancy order sumetoprin 480 mg mastercard, but again antibiotic 33 x cheap sumetoprin 480mg overnight delivery, because the national sample offers greater variability in terms of community demographics antibiotic tooth infection 960mg sumetoprin visa, we focus our discussion on that sample antibiotic resistance acne purchase sumetoprin 960 mg. This effect suggests that officers in larger communities showed greater bias in the latency measure. In addition, that increases in violent crime were associated with greater racial bias. Officers were also asked to estimate the ethnic makeup of the communities in which they served. None of the remaining correlations for the national sample of officers was significant. Officers serving in districts characterized by a large population, a high rate of violent crime, and a greater concentration of Black people and other minorities showed increased bias in their reaction times. We tentatively suggest that these environments may rein- force cultural stereotypes, linking Black people to the concept of violence. The fact that officers from these urban, violent areas show more pronounced bias in their latencies suggests that stereo- typic associations may indeed influence police on some level. We also asked participants (community members and officers alike) to complete several measures of stereotyping and prejudice. In the present study, measures of personally endorsed stereotypes did correlate with latency bias for the community members, r(123). Despite our assurances of anonymity, several officers were unwilling to complete the measures, and others told us, rather bluntly, that they would not respond honestly to these sensitive questions. Police with more extensive training in these encounters were better able to discriminate be- tween armed and unarmed targets, regardless of the race of the target, r(113). Future researchers should attempt to replicate these correlations, but the results tentatively suggest that live, interactive training provides officers with a chance to hone their skills in a manner that improves performance. Second, they were better able to differentiate armed targets from unarmed targets. Third, whereas the criterion c for the community was significantly below zero (reflecting a tendency to favor the "shoot" response), officers adopted a more balanced criterion. Among the com- munity sample, these data revealed a clear tendency to set a lower. The reduction in bias seemed to reflect the fact that, compared with the community members, officers set a higher, more stringent threshold for the decision to shoot Black targets. Placement of the criterion for White targets varied minimally across the three samples. The response-time data show clear evidence of racial bias for all samples in this study, the 237 police officers and the community members alike. Like college students in previous studies, these individuals seemed to have greater difficulty (indexed by longer latencies) responding to stereotype-incongruent targets (unarmed Black targets and armed White targets), rather than to stereotype- congruent targets. It is interesting to note that this equivalence emerged in spite of the fact that the civilian sample contained many more ethnic minority members than did the predominantly White police samples. We used correlational analyses to examine officers in the national sample, and, of all the variables examined, three predicted bias in reaction times (no variables related to bias in the decision criteria). Each of the relevant variables reflected some aspect of the community the officer served. Police in larger, more dangerous and more racially diverse environments are presumably much more likely to encounter Black criminals, reinforcing the stereotypic association between race and crime. By contrast, officers with little exposure to Black people may be less likely to rehearse this association. As a consequence, these officers may experience less stereotypic interference during the video game task. Inasmuch as it is the actual decision to shoot (and not the delay in making that decision) that carries life-and-death consequences for the suspect, bias in the criterion may be considered the variable of greatest interest to both the police and the community. However, because of the profound implications of these conclusions, we felt it necessary to replicate these effects. Al- though this restriction certainly exerts some pressure on participants, it offers them sufficient time to respond correctly on the vast majority of trials. Several participants experienced great difficulty responding within this limit, producing few errors and a very high number of time- outs. Two officers and 7 civilians had an excessive ratio of timeouts to incorrect trials (more than four timeouts for every error) and were excluded from the analyses.

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