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By: Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, MD

  • Anesthetist-in-Chief, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

Treatment of pancreatitis is mainly supportive and includes "pancreatic rest how long does hiv infection symptoms last amantadine 100mg without a prescription," that is hiv infection lawsuit amantadine 100mg low cost, withholding food or liquids by mouth until symptoms subside hiv infection definition buy amantadine 100 mg on-line, and adequate narcotic analgesia hiv infection statistics uk generic amantadine 100 mg, usually with meperidine. In patients with severe pancreatitis who sequester large volumes of fluid in their abdomen as pancreatic ascites, sometimes prodigious amounts of parenteral fluid replacement are necessary to maintain intravascular volume. When pain has largely subsided and the patient has bowel sounds, oral clear liquids can be started and the diet advanced as tolerated. The large majority of patients with acute pancreatitis will recover spontaneously and have a relatively uncomplicated course. Several scoring systems have been developed in an attempt to identify the 15% to 25% of patients who will have a more complicated course. When three or more of the Ranson criteria are present (Table 14­1), a severe course complicated by pancreatic necrosis can be predicted. Pancreatic complications include a phlegmon, which is a solid mass of inflamed pancreas, often with patchy areas of necrosis. Either necrosis or a phlegmon can become secondarily infected, resulting in pancreatic abscess. Abscesses typically develop 2 to 3 weeks after the onset of illness and should be suspected if there is fever or leukocytosis. Pancreatic necrosis and abscess are the leading causes of death in patients after the first week of illness. A pancreatic pseudocyst is a cystic collection of inflammatory fluid and pancreatic secretions, which unlike true cysts do not have an epithelial lining. Most pancreatic pseudocysts resolve spontaneously within 6 weeks, especially if they are smaller than 6 cm. However, if they are causing pain, are large or expanding, or become infected, they usually require drainage. Any of these local complications of pancreatitis should be suspected if persistent pain, fever, abdominal mass, or persistent hyperamylasemia occurs. Gallstones Gallstones usually form as a consequence of precipitation of cholesterol microcrystals in bile. When discovered incidentally, they can be followed without intervention, as only 10% of patients will develop any symptoms related to their stones within 10 years. When patients do develop symptoms because of a stone in the cystic duct or Hartmann pouch, the typical attack of biliary colic usually has a sudden onset, often precipitated by a large or fatty meal, with severe steady pain in the right-upper quadrant or epigastrium, lasting between 1 and 4 hours. They may have mild elevations of the alkaline phosphatase level and slight hyperbilirubinemia, but elevations of the bilirubin level over 3 g/dL suggest a common duct stone. The first diagnostic test in a patient with suspected gallstones usually is an ultrasonogram. The test is noninvasive and very sensitive for detecting stones in the gallbladder as well as intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary duct dilation. One of the most common complications of gallstones is acute cholecystitis, which occurs when a stone becomes impacted in the cystic duct, and edema and inflammation develop behind the obstruction. This is apparent ultrasonographically as gallbladder wall thickening and pericholecystic fluid, and is characterized clinically as a persistent right-upper quadrant abdominal pain, with fever and leukocytosis. Cultures of bile in the gallbladder often yield enteric flora such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella. The positive test shows visualization of the liver by the isotope, but nonvisualization of the gallbladder may indicate an obstructed cystic duct. After 3 months she is noted to have severe rightupper quadrant pain, fever to 102°F, and nausea. This patient with fever, right-upper quadrant pain, and a history of gallstones likely has acute cholecystitis. A pancreatic pseudocyst has a clinical presentation of abdominal pain and mass and persistent hyperamylasemia in a patient with prior pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis usually is managed with pancreatic rest, intravenous hydration, and analgesia, often with narcotics. Patients with pancreatitis who have zero to two of the Ranson criteria are expected to have a mild course; those with three or more criteria can have significant mortality. Pancreatic complications (phlegmon, necrosis, abscess, pseudocyst) should be suspected if persistent pain, fever, abdominal mass, or persistent hyperamylasemia occurs. Patients with asymptomatic gallstones do not require treatment; they can be observed and treated if symptoms develop. Cholecystectomy is performed for patients with symptoms of biliary colic or for those with complications.

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For example hiv infection rates in north america 100 mg amantadine mastercard, the most common cause of death in a 16-year-old is motor vehicle accidents; hence hiv infection rate in uganda purchase amantadine 100 mg overnight delivery, the teenage patient is well served by the physician encouraging her to neem antiviral generic amantadine 100mg with amex wear seat belts and to hiv infection rates queensland generic 100mg amantadine visa avoid alcohol intoxication when driving. In contrast, a 56-year-old woman is most likely to die of cardiovascular disease, so the physician might focus on exercise and weight loss, and screen for hyperlipidemia. Additionally, physicians should seek to identify high-risk behaviors in a nonjudgmental fashion and promote lifestyle modification: Patients should be screened for tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use. They should be advised to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. Adjuvant pharmacologic agents are more successful in tobacco cessation, including bupropion and varenicline. Annual screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia is recommended for all sexually active women 25 years and younger. Obesity can lead to numerous complications including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, menstrual irregularities, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and respiratory difficulties, and hyperlipidemia. These are population-based guidelines, and it is important to consider family history and social history to identify individuals with special risks. There is always some degree of controversy surrounding population-based screening guidelines. For instance, annual mammography is no longer recommended for women aged 40 to 49 years, mainly based on the low incidence of cancer in this age group. In addition to these guidelines, there are other recommendations that can guide clinical practice. With advancing age and shorter life expectancy, it is reasonable to cease some screening activities, though there are limited data on when to discontinue screening. Depending on comorbidities and life expectancy, one can reassess the need for breast or colon cancer screening after age 75. The physician orders a fasting glucose level, lipid panel, mammogram, colonoscopy, and a Pap smear of the vaginal cuff. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the screening for this patient? In general, colon cancer screening should be initiated at age 60 but this patient has very sporadic care; therefore colonoscopy is reasonable. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding health maintenance for this individual? Cervical cytology of the vaginal cuff is unnecessary when the hysterectomy was for benign indications (not cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer) and when there is no history of abnormal Pap smears. The varicella zoster vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine, recommended for individuals aged 60 and above, and has been shown to greatly reduce the incidence of herpes zoster (shingles) and the severity and likelihood of postherpetic neuralgia. Cervical cytology should be deferred until age 21 or 3 years after initiation of sexual intercourse. The most common cause of mortality for adolescent females is motor vehicle accidents. The hepatitis C vaccine is currently not available, but hopefully in several years, it may be developed. The most common cause of mortality in a woman younger than 20 years is motor vehicle accidents. The top two causes of mortality in men or women age 40 years or older are cardiovascular disease and cancer. Women older than 65 years should be screened for osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer, and depression. Obesity is a major concern and has numerous complications including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, heart disease, sleep apnea, and respiratory difficulties. Tobacco use should be queried at each visit, and patients should be counseled actively about cessation; pharmacologic therapy is associated with a higher success rate. She describes an 84-year-old Alzheimer patient who was brought to the emergency room by ambulance from her long-term care facility for increased confusion, combativeness, and fever. Her medical history is significant for Alzheimer disease and well-controlled hypertension; otherwise she has been very healthy. The resident states that the patient is "confused" and combative with staff, which, per her family, is not her baseline mental status. On examination, she is lethargic but agitated when disturbed, her neck veins are flat, her lung fields are clear, and her heart rhythm is tachycardic but regular with no murmur or gallops. After administration of 2 L of normal saline over 30 minutes, her blood pressure is now 95/58 mm Hg, and the initial laboratory work returns.

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